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Version: 3.0

Components of an Asset's Metadata

The Metadata of an asset enables data discovery on Acentrik Data Marketplace. The Metadata summarizes the content and structure of the data asset to help Data Consumers assess the relevance for their needs.

As you login to Acentrik Data Marketplace and navigate to Explore > Assets on the sidebar, you will see that each data asset tile has the following information that the metadata displays:

  1. Category: Refers to the industry-specific classification of data asset.
  2. Experimental/Production: Data assets with an 'E' symbol indicates that the asset is experimental, whereas data assets without an 'E' symbol indicates that the asset is for production usage.
  3. Network: Refers to the network that the asset is being connected to.
  4. Published By: Refers to the Data Provider i.e. proprietary enterprise that is offering the data asset.
  5. Overview: Gives a short description of the data asset.
  6. Purchase For: Refers to the purchase validity of the data asset and describes the time for which the Data Consumer has access to the data asset. Depending on the value, a Data Consumer can access the data asset for a couple of hours or up to a month without having to pay for the data asset again.
  7. Published On: Describes the time when the data asset was published on Acentrik Data Marketplace.
  8. Downloaded/Computed: Shows the number of times the dataset has been downloaded or a compute job has been run.

In addition to the metadata, you can click on 'View More' to see the additional detailed information of the data asset that includes:

  1. Dataset Online/Offline: Refers to whether the asset's datasource is connected to the marketplace. The following indicators show the asset availability status:

    603- Indicates the dataset is online

    604- Indicates the dataset is offline

  2. Description: Important details of the data asset.

  3. DID (Decentralized Identifier): A unique ID that aids in data discovery and helps identify the data asset in the entire Acentrik ecosystem.

  4. Created On: Refers to the date on which the data asset was listed on Acentrik Data Marketplace.

  5. Datatoken: Refers to the ERC20 token associated with the asset that is used to gain access to the data.

  6. Developer Details: After selecting a compatible algorithm, you will be able to see the developer's dataset details.

  7. Data Provider Details: Refers to the organization of the data provider that uploaded the data asset.

  8. Runtime Environment: Click on 'Docker Details' link on an algorithm asset to see more information on the algorithm runtime environment.

  9. Compatible Dataset: On an algorithm asset, it refers to datasets that are suitable for the algorithm to execute the compute job effectively.